Monday, 28 January 2013

Red velvet smores

This was my contribution to my friends American bake-off. I wrote out all the links for the recipes and everything to go with the photos, saved it and came back and everything but the photos were gone - grrr. But maybe it is a good thing as I want to test the recipe again with a few changes so I will come back soon with it!

I made red velvet graham crackers and my own homemade marshmallows (never done this before)

I will return soon with pictures of all the entrants!

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Where have I been?

It has been a while hasn't it? Well just after christmas we went on our holiday to America. I celebrated my birthday over there and we came back a week ago, but I caught the flu out there and am just recovering!

I have caught up on all your blogs and I will be back soon with tales from my holiday but for now I just wanted to pop in, say hi and show you a couple of my favourite pictures.