Monday 10 September 2012

Vintage film cameras

This is a photo heavy post of all my film cameras - most of them vintage! The collection has grown a lot over the past few months!

I mainly collect the different types of kodak brownies, and have 8 in my collection so far!

I love this one - it is tiny!

These two are much newer - the below one takes 3 shoots at once - on one photo - I have just got a film developed I will show you how the pictures come out - they are really fun!

The button is my most recent purchase from the car boot on Sunday - it set me back £2! The most I have paid is £4.99 but most of them I get for about £2


  1. Hello - sorry for the delay in commenting - I tried many, many times to leave a comment but was thwarted each time!
    Lovely cameras - the flashmite one I have used to make a night light - there are instructions somewhere on the internet I think!
    Best wishes

    1. I will have to have a search for the instructions - it woud be amazing to use it for something! I managed to find some girl guide patches at the car boot today but there wasn't much else - always next week!
